Author: Alvaro Mutis
- Emile Verhaeren (1)
- IN: The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll (1992) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: N' accomplissant que ce qu'il doit,
Chaque pecheur peche pour soi:
Et le premier recueille, en les mailles qu'il serre,
Tout le fretin de sa misere;
Et celui-ci ramene a l'etourdie
le fond vaseux des maladies;
Et tel ouvre les nasses
Aux desespoirs qui le menacent;
Et celui-la recueille au long des bords,
Les epaves de son remords.
FROM: Les Pecheurs, (1895), Poem, Belgium
Cited by
- Brian Keene (1)
- IN: Tequila's Sunrise (2011) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Tequila has no history; there are no anecdotes confirming its birth. This is how it’s been since the beginning of time, for tequila is a gift from the gods and they don’t tend to offer fables when bestowing favors. That is the job of mortals, the children of panic and tradition.
FROM: NULL, (None), NULL, Columbia